I have done a lot of technical writing in my career and can offer this to your company.
From detailed design specifications that thoroughly define your product function, size, and performance parameters…..
to the sales brochures and add-copy to sell your product. I have done this and can do this for you.
Technical writing is really nothing more than communicating ideas to a wider audience. Many times this can be easier said than done! Sometimes that audience is your prospective customer, helping them understand why they should buy your product. Other times the audience is the design team on a project, writing a document that helps keep mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, product managers, and project managers all working to the same goal. Still other times your audience might be a production line worker, or service technician, needing to understand better how a certain circuit works and a document explaining this can be a big help. I have written all manner of defining documentation throughout my career, and here a few types that come to mind:
• Product Definitions
• Production test procedures
• Research reports
• Theory of operation documents
• Organizational standard operating procedures
Although I cannot share most of these documents due to their proprietary nature, I can however share a few things below.
Keen Ocean’s TKO-Family sales brochure (I wrote all of the prose on this, but cannot make claim to the very nice layout of the brochure, this was done by a graphic artist in Hong Hong):
Download TKO-1000/500W Brochure (11.9MB)
Keen Ocean’s TKO-Family application note:
Download TKO-1000/500W Application Note